
English XI


7.An Astrologer's Day




Here in this story, we find various themes related to human nature such as hypocrisy, insight, vengeance, and selfishness. We also find the theme of fate in the story.


• Wisdom and cleverness are more important than reliability or good behavior.

• We must take responsibility for what we do and not run from our mistakes.


City Hall Park has been introduced in the story setting. This place is used by various vendors. Tales were told from noon until late at night (astrologers worked from morning to night).



The Astrologer is the protagonist of the story. He is the story's unnamed protagonist. Astrologers aren't really astrologers, they're scammers. Every day he opens his shop under a tamarind tree in the market. He does not know the universe or true spiritual ideas but prophesies or sells cosmic ideas to gullible villagers to prepare himself and earn money. He is portrayed as an irresponsible and unrealistic liar.


Guru Nayak is another main character in the story. This is the man the astrologer tried to kill years ago. By chance, in the evening, the astrologer comes to the man whom the astrologer tried to kill years ago. He comes to the astrologer by chance in the evening. He spends his time talking to an astrologer but is unable to recognize the astrologer. He is looking for the man who stabbed him and left him to die in the well. He was portrayed as odd, stubborn, inquisitive, and ambitious.


The Astrologer's Wife is only introduced at the end of the story. She seems overjoyed when her husband brings home more money than usual for her work day. At the same time, she is shocked to learn of her husband's past. She is defined as patient and wise.


According to the author, the astrologer always started his astrology business in the middle of the day. He sat under a tamarind tree on Town Hall Road and ran his business. This road led to City Hall Park, which was very suitable for his business and attracted customers. The road were flooded with different people of different professions and occupations. A peanut vendor was also sitting next to him. The peanut seller's gas lamp allowed the astrologer to continue his business after dark. The astrologer was very good at human nature and psychological analysis.

When the business started in broad daylight, the astrology business was splendidly decorated with various preparations. He pulled out his bag of specialized tools: square pieces of cloth, kauri shells, diagrams, and Palmyra writings. He smeared sacred ash and vermilion on his forehead. The makeup made her forehead look quite bright. He put a saffron turban on his head. Therefore, the astrologer ideally introduced himself to attract clients. The astrologer was a clever man who knew very little about astrology. He just made assumptions to satisfy his customers. According to him, he left the village because he did not want to continue the traditional occupation of his ancestors.

He had no plans to return to his native village. He had to work so hard to earn his paycheck by putting his heart into it. In the evening he gave his per diem to his wife. One day, when the peanut seller turned off the gas lamp, the astrologer began to close the shop as well. While collecting professional tools, he saw a man standing in front of him. He considered this person a potential customer. When the astrologer invited him, this man challenged the astrologer and his astrology. The man made a bet with an astrologer. The stranger gave Anna to the astrologer and put up a condition that answers to his questions must be satisfactory. He added that if the answer is not satisfactory, she must return the money with interest. The astrologer refused to take three pies to answer the question. He asked for five rupees for a satisfactory answer. But in the end he asked for 8 Anas for a satisfactory answer. The stranger agreed to pay the sum. However, he put forward a condition ahead of the astrologer. According to him, if the astrologer answers his questions satisfactorily, he will give him eight Anas. However, if he is not satisfied with the answer, he will have to return double the amount, sixteen Anna.

The astrologer prayed to the sky. A little later, as the man lit a cigar, the astrologer caught a glimpse of his face. He declined the call and asked the man to let him go. However, when the man grabbed his wrist tightly, the astrologer shook in fear. He reluctantly accepted the challenge. The astrologer started by talking about a woman, but the man stopped with displeasure. The man had only one question. Will he get what he was looking for? The stranger agreed to pay a rupee willingly if he was satisfied with the answer.

Before answering, the astrologer once again chanted some incantations. The astrologer told about a previous case involving a man. According to him, the man was attacked by an unknown person with a knife lodged in his chest. The man was thrilled to hear the astrologer's speech. He was wounded and left to die in a nearby well. A passer-by saw him and saved him. To get revenge, the man demanded details about the culprit from the astrologer. But the astrologer said that four months ago the culprit had been killed in a distant city. The man was sad to hear this and the astrologer even told the name of the stranger as Guru Nayak. He told the man that his village was in the north and it would take two days to get there. He warned him to return home and never go south again. He immediately asked to return to his hometown. He told the man that he could get into trouble if he left the house again. The man wanted to know the cause of the perpetrator's death. The astrologer satisfied him by saying that the culprit had been run over by a truck. The man gave the astrologer a handful of coins and left.

The astrologer also packed up and went home. The astrologer returned home rather late. The astrologer threw coins to his wife to count. In all, there were 12 Annas and 1/2. She was very happy to see this amount. She planned to buy jaggery and coconut for the children who had been craving sweets for a long time. However, the astrologer had a worried expression on his face and was not as happy as his wife. He was angry with Guru Nayak who promised to give him rupees but only gave him 12 anna and a half. After dinner he shared the secrets of his life with his wife. He said that day relieved a significant burden from his own life. He always believed that he had killed Guru Nayak. So the astrologer left his native village for fear of being accused of murder. He settled and married in Malgudi and decided not to return to his hometown as the astrologer had himself attempeted to murder Guru Nayak. So he knew very little about astrology, but he was able to make accurate predictions about it. The astrologer confessed to his wife that he had a bad relationship with Guru Nayak in his childhood. One day he had a big fight while drinking and playing cards. In that fight, he nearly killed Guru Nayak and so the story ends.


1. How does the astrologer’s appearance help him attract customers? How does he help the customers satisfy their needs?

In this short story, the astrologer is clever. He constantly makes meticulous preparations before beginning his business. On his square piece of fabric, he decorates it with various astrological instruments such as cowries shells, mystic astrological charts, palmyra inscriptions, and so on. He applies holy ash and vermilion on his forehead and wears a saffron hat. Because of the exquisite cosmetics on his face, his eyes constantly seem to glitter.He is always looking for his customers. His physical appearance aids him in presenting himself as a competent astrologer. Most consumers believe him because of his handsome appearance and come to him to hear his prophesies. He assists his customers by making educated estimates about their past, present, and future lives, relationships, marriage, money, problems, and so on. He spends five minutes listening to his customers' issues. He has a flurry of hints and questions within five minutes. He mulls over the topics and makes educated assumptions. He constantly does his best to make matching estimates and help his customers meet their wants due to his long-standing practice and experience.

2. How do you characterize the astrologer’s attitude toward the stranger?

Here, the astrologer's astrology business provides him with enough money to support his family. He starts his business throughout the day and works tirelessly to gain money with his sharp mind. His lecture was well received. To satisfy his consumers, he perfects his guesses. As he sees the stranger in front of him, he considers him a potential customer. Instead of going to his residence around closing time, he invites him over. This demonstrates his greedy nature. The manner he bargains with the visitor demonstrates his money-minded attitude. He makes every effort to persuade the foreigner for the sake of money. He has no knowledge of astrology, but he attempts to satisfy the foreigner with his best guesses for the sake of money. He attempts to persuade the visitor to demonstrate his phony behavior. This demonstrates his astuteness and dishonesty in his approach.

3. What details does the astrologer give the stranger about his past?

The astrologer informs the stranger of several startling prior incidents in his life. He properly tells the stranger many things since he can see his face. When the visitor lights up his cheroot, the astrologer recognizes him. Guru Nayak is unable to recognize the astrologer due to the darkness and his makeup. The astrologer informs him about a previous incident in which he was assaulted with a knife on his chest by an unknown person. He informs him of his pitiful situation inside the well. He even gives him his full name and address. He notifies him about the defendant's death four months prior. Ultimately, the astrologer gently encourages him to return to his homeland immediately for his own protection.

4. Why does he advise the stranger to go home immediately?

The astrologer is a very knowledgeable professional in his field. He has even committed criminal crimes in the past. Guru Nayak, the stranger he encounters that evening, is a crook. When the astrologer discovers the individual is Guru Nayak, he attempts to relieve his mental stress. The astrologer himself had previously attempted to assassinate Guru Nayak. He trembles with terror when he sees Guru Nayak in Malgudi. As he learns of Guru Nayak's intentions, he makes every effort to relocate him to the north. He does not want to see Guru Nayak again in his life. He wants to live a daring life in Malgudi. He cautions the visitor about potential risks in his life and urges him to return home as soon as possible.

5. What is your reaction to the conversation between the astrologer and his wife?

From their talk, I learned that the astrologer's mental weight had been lifted. The astrologer felt bad for killing Guru Nayak. Because of his dread, he even left his village and moved in Malgudi. But he discovered Guru Nayak alive. He understood he had not committed the crime. He even warned him not to go south again. The astrologer finally got free of his horrible load. Secondly, I'm disappointed to learn of their pitiful economic situation. The astrologer's wife intended to spend twelve and a half annas on jaggery and coconut to make sweets for their daughter. For a long time, their daughter had been requesting sweets. This demonstrates the family's responsibilities, since a single daughter's modest dream was unfulfilled for a long time owing to a lack of funds.


1. Suspense is the feeling of anticipation you may have as you read. In this story, what details contributed to your feelings of suspense and surprise? Explain.

This short story is an excellent combination of tension and surprise. The narrative begins with an introduction to the astrologer and his company. When the stranger approaches in front of the astrologer during the evening, he considers him a potential customer. They lay a wager on the correct response. The astrologer gives him with many data about his life throughout his forecasts. He properly tells him about his prior experiences, his name, and his residence. These precise details have produced a sense of anticipation in me. The stranger becomes too aroused and satisfied, while I have a sense of anticipation. A thought occurs to me: "How did he respond correctly?" The anticipation turns to astonishment when the astrologer reveals his wife the specifics of his former narrative after supper. I discovered the solution to my nervousness here. Astrologer's prior novels' specifics have solved the enigma of tension and generated surprises for me and all the readers.

2. Analyze the c onflicts in "An Astrologer’s Day." Explain how the conflicts are resolved and what they reveal about the characters involved in the story.

The problems in this narrative are centered on the astrologer and the guy. In this case, the astrologer is carrying a concealed weight in his life. He believes he is responsible for the murder of Guru Nayak many years ago. His internal turmoil is seen here. When he encounters Guru Nayak alive, right in front of his eyes, his inner turmoil is settled. He is relieved and relieved to know that he is not a killer. He resolves his unspoken issue. By gratifying Guru Nayak, he gains as well. He achieves accomplishment in order to overcome his fear. Inside the guy, the following conflict may be witnessed. He wishes to track out the perpetrator and exact vengeance. Upon his recuperation, he remains on the hunt for the criminal. His issue is overcome when he learns about the perpetrator's death via an astrologer. He is returned with satisfaction. Their disputes demonstrate that they are both crooks. They both had a troubled history. They are both victims of their struggles. Under the emotional load of killing Guru Nayak, the astrologer had fled his hometown and spent his life in Malgudi. Guru Nayak, on the other hand, suffered greatly as a result of the battle. After his encounter, he continued to look for the perpetrator.

3. "All right. I w ill speak. But will you give me a rupee if what I say is convincing? Otherwise, I will not open my mouth, and you may do what you like."

a. Who is the speaker?

The speaker is the astrologer himself.

b. Who is he speaking to?

He is speaking to Guru Nayak.

c. What does the expression "open my mouth" mean?

The phrase "open my lips" refers to a disclosure through fortune-telling in response to Guru Nayak's inquiries.

4. Description helps readers visualize what is happening in a story. What details and techniques does the author use to describe the astrologer?

The author of this story describes the main character, an astrologer, using numerous facts and literary approaches. From beginning to finale, the author uses diverse facts in his narrative to illustrate this story. He discusses the astrologer's history, his daily business and his astute calculations with his customers, his pre-business preparations, his appointment with Guru Nayak, and his talk with his wife. With his literary method, the author has portrayed every aspect of the astrologer, producing tension and surprises.

5. Irony is a contrast between appearances and reality. What is ironic about Guru Nayak’s meeting with the astrologer?

The encounter between Guru Nayak and the astrologer seemed comical. In this scene, Guru Nayak interrogates the astrologer regarding the offender who previously wounded him in the chest with a knife. He has no idea who the perpetrator is. Guru Nayak is unable to recognize him due to the darkness and the astrologer's attire. The astrologer's lifetime burden is Guru Nayak's murder. He is taken aback to see Guru Nayak is still alive. Guru Nayak is relieved to learn who the perpetrator is. The astrologer's astuteness is rather humorous. In this case, the victim approaches the perpetrator in order to find a suitable solution. Ultimately, Guru Nayak is pleased to hear the astrologer's predictions (culprit). Finally, both characters are happy.

6. How does the astrologer’s manner of dressing suit his character?

The protagonist of this narrative is an astrologer. His astrology company is built around his astrological tools, fashion sense, and intuition. His attire is appropriate for his personality. He's quite good at his astrological business. He dresses the part of an astrologer wonderfully. His saffron hat and outfit greatly assist him in attracting consumers. He portrays himself nicely so that his consumers will believe him. His clientele regard him as a clever astrologer because of his sense of style.


1. The astrologer attracts many customers in the street who are pleased and astonished by what he tells them. What does this tell you about the people of the town walking in the street?

The protagonist of this narrative is an astrologer. His astrology company is built around his astrological tools, fashion sense, and intuition. His attire is appropriate for his personality. He's quite good at his astrological business. He dresses the part of an astrologer wonderfully. His saffron hat and outfit greatly assist him in attracting consumers. He portrays himself nicely so that his consumers will believe him. His clientele regard him as a clever astrologer because of his sense of style.

2. Why do most people want to know their future? Do you think astrologers can help them know their future?

Most individuals are interested in their future because they are concerned about their luck, forthcoming issues, and security. Absolutely, genuine astrologers with true astrological expertise can assist individuals predict their future.

3. Is astrology a good practice of fortune-telling, or is it just blind faith? Give reasons.

Certainly, astrology is a reliable fortune-telling method. Most individuals in Eastern countries practice and believe in fortune telling. Astrology is said to be the most wonderful aspect of human life. The use of astrology may be found in a wide range of life events. Eastern civilizations place a far higher value on astrology. Astrology helps people discover the proper solutions to their difficulties. In many occasions, astrological prophesies prove to be correct.