
English XI


6.Two Little Soldiers



Luc Le Ganidec and Jean Kerderen were two good friends. Every Sunday they visited a nearby countryside out of their barracks. Jean was a little introvert, exactly opposite of Luc who was easy going and extrovert. They enjoyed in the little forest, away from the city noise, of the Bezons. While went towards Bezons, they did not talk with each other but walked fast. There was a Bezon’s bridge on the way where they stopped for a while and enjoyed the river Seine which reminded them of their hometown called Plounivon. They would make their destination a little picnic spot as they would take bread, sausages and wine with them to enjoy when they were there.

A particular day they introduced themselves to a milkmaid who was taking her cows to graze in the pasture just in front of the forest they stayed for a while. Soon they became friends with her and when she returned would share her cow’s milk with the boys. Sometimes she stayed with them and they would talk about various things. She would leave promising them that she would meet them again on next Sunday.

The next Sunday when the boys again came, Luc suggested that they should take a present for their new friend and Jean agreed. They decided to take a sweet called bonbon for her. Finally, when they met her again, they were too shy to give her the gift that they had brought for her. Luc being an extrovert revealed the secret and gave her the gift which made her very happy. After that, they became even closer to each other and many weekends passed with their recurring meetings. Soon milkmaid became a topic of discussion for the soldiers. After the time passed, milkmaid also offered them food item in the meeting as their friendship grew stronger.

However, Luc started showing suspicious behavior because he started leaving barracks without saying anything to his best friend Jean. He left the barrack on Tuesday and came back very late in the night. Again, on Friday too he borrowed some money from another soldier and disappeared in the night without any explanation to Jean. Jean was surprised and could not comprehend the suspicious behavior of his friend.

The Sunday came again, both of the soldiers went to the forest but to Jean’s surprise this time the milkmaid, completely ignoring Jean, ran towards Luc and hugged her tight and kissed him in front of Jean. Jean was heartbroken because he felt that he was kept in dark and went into instant despair. After that, these two love birds, disappeared for a while in the woods. Jean, sitting alone, thought about the recent development and understood the suspicious behavior of his friend. He was so sad that he could not speak a word. He also now realized that he also like the girl but it was already late to express himself. He felt like he was a fooled. He was thinking this and they returned and again kissed in front of Jean. On top of that, this time milkmaid did not provide milk to Jean that day.

Luc was happy while Jean was very sad. They were returning to barrack, they stopped on the bridge and Jean was leaning over the bridge as usual which Luc ignored, but in no time he fell into the river. Luc shouted for help but no one came and soon after Jean’s dead body was found later that day by a boat man. Luc informed about the incident to his superiors in the barrack.


Why do the two soldiers spend their free time on Sundays away from the barracks out in the countryside?

During the wartime, they missed their home when they had to stay in the barracks. They must have felt like going to their village but was impossible for them because they were soldiers. As the river, the forest reminded them of their village, they wanted to be away from the noise and all the chaos at least for a day.

Why does the girl become the topic of conversation for these soldiers?

They were young and lived in the barrack filled with boys. In this situation they had met a beautiful girl. This girl occupied their regular topic because talking about her must have made them feel relaxed because of which she became the topic of conversation.

Why does deception enter into their friendship?

They were well and good, enjoying their own life and time but soon they met a beautiful girl. It is natural that a boy and a girl get attracted towards each other. However, as Jean was a little shy and introvert so he could not understand the forwardness of Luc. Soon Luc and the dairy maid fell in love with each other before Jean even knew and Luc and the dairymaid also did not disclose anything. In this way deception made its way into their friendship.

Do you think Luc was a betrayer?

No, absolutely not. Luc cannot be taken as a betrayer because I think Luc did not want to break the ice before he was sure about it himself. In addition, Luc could not control the action of the dairymaid when she rushed towards Luc and kissed her. I believe, Luc had thought of disclosing the secret that very day but the circumstances made it look like he was hiding something because everything unfolded quickly and Luc could not control it. Jean being a soft hearted guy and could not take it lightly which sent him into depression and he fell into the river which made it look Luc the betrayer which he was not.

What is the cause of Jean’s suicide? Do you think that it was the only release of his love?

The cause could be Jean’s own weak mental health. He was a person who did not share his feelings to others and it can be really dangerous. If he had talked about it with Luc, I believe Luc would have consoled him and he would not have killed himself, but he did not do so and was utterly sad which he could not take and committed suicide.

No, I do not believe it was the release of his love, but it was the result of his weak mental health. Although he was a soldier, he had a weak heart. I think he did not feel that much about why dairy maid chose Luc over him, but he more felt sad thinking that his friend hid the information from him.


a. What is the central theme of the story?

There are three themes in this story. The first one is the trust and betrayal, the second one is love triangle and the third one and the most important one is the importance of good mental health.

b. "What are you doing here? Are you watching the grass grow?"

1. Who is the speaker?


2. What does the word "here" indicate?

It mean the place the two soldiers were sitting beside the forest.

3. Who does "you" refer to?

It refers to two soldiers.

c. "He leaned he--he was leaning--so far over--that his head carried him away --and--he--fell--he--fell----"

1. Who is the speaker?

Luc Le Ganidec

2. Why is the speaker speaking with an interruption?

His friend suddenly fell into the river which he had not anticipated. It made him nervous and anxious which made him speak with interruption.

3. What does he mean when he says "he fell--he fell---"?

It means he is still nervous while explaining the scene and the event to his seniors.

2. Two Little soldiers can be viewed as a series of dramatic scenes. Describe the story as a tragedy.

According to dictionary, a tragedy can be defined as “a story/play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending.” This definition says it all. Actually, tragedy is more associated with drama or play. In this sense, a play has dialogue, vivid explanation of scene, characters, opening, climax and ending. If we take these aspects and merge with the story, “Two Little Soldiers”, it perfectly matches. Therefore, it can be viewed as a story having a series of dramatic scenes.

To answer the second question, two friends were happy until they met the milkmaid and entered jealousy, deception and envy. These emotions and action led to one of main character, Jean’s, suicide. With his death a happy going story suddenly turns the lane and ends with a tragic event making this story a tragedy according to the definition.

3. What is the setting and style of the story?

The narrative takes place in the French countryside near the town of Courbevoie. It is set in a rural setting. The setting is serene and beautiful. Maupassant is well-known for his realistic writing style. Yet, he does not exactly adhere to all of the rules of realistic writing. The same is true in this narrative. Despite the standards of realism, the author has shifted points of view in this novel, which has assisted him in bringing the tragedy to life more effectively.

4. How would you describe the conflict between two friends?

I would describe the conflict as a consequence of miscommunication. Both of the boys had feelings for the girl, but neither of them talked about it with each other. Jean was introvert and Luc was not sure if the girl loves him and he may have been planning to talk to Jean about it after he himself confirms it as he was an extrovert. This planted the seed of jealousy, envy and distress in the mind of Jean which led to mental conflict which was short lived and Luc was totally unaware about it because just after knowing the relationship between Luc and the milkmaid, Jean committed suicide. Here, the conflict is not between the friends but it is actually between love and friendship.


Is it good to have a conflict between friendship and love? Is it morally good that a person and his best friend can love the same person?

Both friendship and love require sacrifice and trust and without these two aspects neither friendship nor love sustain. Therefore, it is not good to mix these two relationships and create a situation where one has to choose one of those. Even if such situation comes, one should talk it out and sort it out. I also believe that is not morally good to fall in love with friend’s lover knowingly, but if it happens unknowingly, it does not fall in the boundaries of morality provided that best friend has not expressed his/her love towards the other person.

How would you describe triangular love?

A triangular love means when the first person and the second person love the third person and that third person loves one among the first and the second person. For example, Jean and Luc love the milkmaid, and milkmaid loves only Luc.