
Practise Ques.




1. Many believe that criminals should be rehabilitated than imprisoned. What is the cause and what problem can it bring?

2. Many criminals are seen reoffending even after serving a long jail sentence. Why does this happen and what can be the solution?

3. Crime in our society is increasing rapidly. What problems can this cause and what could be the cause?

4. In many societies children are committing crime. Why is this and how can parents and teachers prevent this?

5. In many countries court trials are broadcasted on television. Why is this and what problems can this cause?


1. In order to reduce crime, governments are installing cameras on public places. What are the advantages and disadvantages to this?

2. Many people believe that fixed punishment for all forms of crime is good and effective. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed punishment?

3. Including violent scenes in movies and series has increased over the years. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

4. Some people think people who smuggle drugs and animal parts should be stripped of their wealth and sent to jail. What are the positive and negative sides to this?

5. In developing and developed countries bribery has been increasing rapidly. What are the advantages to people and disadvantages to a country?


1. Some people believe that instead of incarcerating criminals, they should be forced to perform unpaid community service. How much do you agree or disagree?

2. Because to advancements in technology, the crime rate has decreased in recent years. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

3. Teenagers are increasingly committing crimes in various nations. Some argue that they should be prosecuted as adults. How much do you agree or disagree?

4. It is believed that additional police should be deployed on the streets to combat rising crime. How much do you agree or disagree?

5. Some people believe that women should not work in the security industry. How much do you agree or disagree?

6. Death penalty can reduce considerable number of crimes. Do you agree or disagree?


1. Capital punishment is the only way to control crime. Do the advantages outweigh the drawbacks?

2. Computer technology has both helped and curbed crimes. Do the advantages of the computer outweigh the drawbacks?

3. Some people term that animal testing is violence against animals. Do the advantages outweigh the drawbacks?

4. Due to the introduction of mobile phones data of many people is being leaked. Some say smart phone production should be stopped. Do the advantages of smart phone outweigh the drawbacks?

5. Social Media has facilitated criminals to select their targets. Do the advantages of social media outweigh its drawbacks?


1. It is widely believed that it is the responsibility of government to prevent and control crime while others believe is it is an individual responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2. Some individuals feel that each crime should have a specific penalty. Others, on the other hand, feel that the circumstances of a particular crime, as well as the reason for doing it, should always be considered when deciding on punishment. Discuss both points of view and express your own.

3. Many individuals attribute an increase in crime to violent images on television and in computer and video games, while others believe it is due to an individual's personality. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

4. Some people say that to decline criminal incidents, it is necessary to improve people’s living conditions while others say criminals should be locked up behind the bars. Discuss both vies and give your opinion.

5. Some say that educated people commit less crimes while others say it is even more among educated people. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


1. What is shown on television and what is printed in newspapers is decided by news editors. What variables do you believe affect these choices? Do we become accustomed to negative news, and would it be preferable if more good news was reported?

2. Experts believe that ex-criminals and ex-drug abusers must be brought to school and speak to children. What benefits does this bring to the students and how does it help those ex-criminals and ex-drug abusers?

3. Often the victims of crime do not get justice. What can be done to solve this problem? Give at least two reasons.

4. Many powerful countries wage war against smaller countries. Why do they do this? Do it have any future consequences of this?

5. Nuclear war is inevitable in the future. Do you agree? What can be done to prevent this?