
Practise Ques.




1. Many colleges have used tests for evaluation rather than the traditional written examinations based on textbook teachings. What issues does this cause, and what solutions are possible?

2. Some argue that studying at home at your own speed is preferable to attending school. What problems do studying at home cause, and how may they be resolved?

3. Modern approaches in early education emphasize a variety of practical school projects rather than conventional skills development through math, science, and other topics. What is the reason behind this, and what problems may it cause for students?

4. Due to the introduction of English language in schools students are compelled to master this foreign language. What problems do this cause and what solutions do you suggest?

5. More and more students are being attracted towards science and technology and only a few study art and literature. Why is this and what problem does this cause?


1. Computers have become so powerful and engaging that pupils will no longer require a human instructor in the classroom in the future. What are the benefits and drawbacks?

2. Some people believe that practical skills such as cooking, cleaning, and gardening should be included in the curriculum as required topics. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this?

3. Online education has grown in popularity in recent years. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this phenomenon?

4. Many students from impoverished nations are studying and working in wealthy countries. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this trend?

5. Many countries are increasingly removing moral science and civics courses from their educational curricula. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this?


1. Reading is not the only activity that may help a youngster develop skills and creativity. How much do you agree or disagree?

2. When students are rewarded rather than penalized, they do better in school. How much do you agree or disagree?

3. Some individuals believe that participating in group activities helps people develop their intellectual talents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

4. While cramming and concentration are increasingly recognized strategies of obtaining knowledge in a topic, some argue that a subject can only be learned via lifetime study. How much do you agree or disagree?

5. Today's university graduates have too much leisure and do not learn enough. How much do you agree and disagree?

6. It is better to get more information and education than more practical skills, in order to find a job. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?


1. In certain nations, the government only partially funds health care and education. Some believe that the government should bear the whole expense of providing these services. Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

2. Many individuals rely on the internet for studying since it has become so efficient and popular. Some believe it has the potential to replace books as the primary source of knowledge for schooling. Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

3. Students should be able to choose whether to study or play video games. They should be given the freedom to control their own time. Do the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?

4. Some people believe that practical skills such as cooking, cleaning, and gardening should be included in the curriculum as required topics. Do the benefits overpower the drawbacks?

5. Computer gaming is thought to have a negative impact on young children, although some believe it may also have a good impact. Do the benefits of gaming outweigh the disadvantages?

6. The central education authority chooses the school curriculum rather than teachers, parents, and students. Do the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?


1. Some individuals believe that schools should be more entertaining, while others believe that their main goal should be to teach. Discuss both points of view and provide your viewpoint.

2. Some individuals feel that children should participate in organized activities in their spare time, while others believe that children should be allowed to do anything they want in their spare time. Discuss both points of view and provide your viewpoint.

3. Some individuals believe that children should be homeschooled while they are very young, while others believe that they should attend kindergarten. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

4. Some children excel in school and never have issues, while others struggle. Some people feel that pupils should assist themselves, while others believe that instructors and parents should. Discuss both points of view and provide your viewpoint.

5. Some feel that education and training should be fully free, while others believe that making individuals pay full tuition is preferable. Discuss both points of view and provide your viewpoint.


1. Puzzles, board games, and drawings may all help a child's growth. What would you offer to a youngster to help him or her grow, and why? In your explanation, use specifics and examples.

2. Do you believe that students should work before beginning their university studies? Why? Use explanations and detailed instances to back up your opinion.

3. Most schools now make computer instruction mandatory for their students. Do you believe this is essential, or do you believe youngsters will learn these abilities organically as a result of their regular interactions with technology? Give your perspective and offer specific reasoning and examples to back it up.

4. More individuals are studying abroad now than in the past since it is more convenient and less expensive. Do you believe this is advantageous to the home nation of the foreign student? Use detailed reasoning and examples to back up your point of view.

5. In most nations, tuition for healthy youngsters is given primary attention. Teaching pupils with impairments or mental illnesses, on the other hand, is more challenging and crucial to assist and develop. Which point of view do you agree with? Support your answer with precise reasoning and examples.